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# 會員中心領卷 加碼現金折 $100 & $ 300HKD

夏日購物月|# 全站75折起 ・再享滿額禮

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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

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The workshop is Sabre’s beating heart

At Sabre, even the manufacturing process is a break with tradition.
The workshop is the heart of Sabre.Usually, cutlery manufacturers make all or some of the elements
that make up the cutlery. Assembly is often sub-contracted out in order to keep only the noble part of the process in-house:
the forging or polishing. We have taken the opposite approach: make nothing
and assemble everything. The result? 100% efficiency and responsiveness


— Françis Gelb


Quality is a key requirement at every stage of the manufacturing process,
from the choice of materials to polishing. The blades are made in France in a stainless steel
and carbon alloy, which is essential for an impeccable cutting edge. The handles of the plain cutlery are
made of bulk dyed acrylic. Acrylic cutlery handles are handcrafted for softness, ergonomics and aesthetics.
Sabre reflects a goldsmith's skill and the art of work well done.